Healthcare Broker App

Access the financial status of your Self-Insured client plans at a glance, including budget status and aggregate reports with ease through our healthcare broker software.

Traditional healthcare insurance claims analytics platforms are limited in their ability to provide comprehensive insights to plan sponsors and their advisors. HealthCare Reporting helps bridge this gap by offering a robust and holistic approach to plan management.

Enhanced Claim Analytics in Health Insurance

Other healthcare claims management software are designed to evaluate claims data and provide insights into individual claims, such as diagnosis codes, treatment codes, and the costs associated with those claims. However, they cannot provide answers to some of the most pressing questions that plan sponsors have about their self-insured plans.

For example, healthcare plan sponsors often want to know how much their plan costs overall, how they are performing versus their budget, how they will end the plan year, and what they can expect for their renewal. These are important questions that require a more comprehensive approach to plan management than traditional claim analytics platforms can provide.

HealthCare Reporting is a fully comprehensive claims management solution for self-insured healthcare plans. We recognize that plan sponsors need a complete view of their plan in order to make informed decisions and achieve their goals. Our platform goes beyond traditional claim analytics to provide a holistic view of plan performance, including cost analysis, budget tracking, and trend analysis.

Our healthcare broker app assists plan sponsors in easily tracking their plan performance against budget and forecasting the end-of-year financials. They can also receive an estimation of their renewal, based on their current plan performance and industry trends. HealthCare Reporting provides the insights plan sponsors need to make data-driven decisions and optimize their plan performance.

In conclusion, other healthcare claims processing systems are limited in their ability to provide comprehensive insights to plan sponsors. HealthCare Reporting helps in simplifying healthcare claims data, providing plan sponsors with a complete overview of their plan performance and insights that enable more informed decisions.

healthcare broker app dashboard by Healthcare reporting
mobile phone screen snapshot of healthcare broker software for managing self-insured health plans

Frequently Asked Questions

Healthcare brokers rely on HealthCare Reporting for healthcare plan brokerage and advanced claim analytics. Its easy-to-use interface and powerful data reporting features empower healthcare brokers to streamline their operations, providing comprehensive healthcare plan brokerage with efficiency and effectiveness.

Many healthcare brokers rely on HealthCare Reporting’s powerful data analytics features for informed decision-making, cost management, risk assessment, compliance, plan optimization, and enhancing client value.

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App Features


On-demand access to plan year financial status including claims and all fixed costs, a true total cost view.


Leverage actuarial projections to measure actual plan costs versus was was expected.


By having easy access to your client’s financial status, you will never be surprised at renewal again.