Population Health, Based Upon the Asheville Project

Interactive platform allowing clinical care managers to access population health data, record notes, bill visits and more

Video Overview Reporting Claim Analytics Stop Loss Integration Population Health Sample Reporting

Exclusive Platform Features Advanced Claim Analytics, Real-Time Collaboration And More.

Our platform was built by working with actual disease management nurses and building in the resources they needed to do their jobs well such as easily access gaps in care, track member compliance, record notes and bill.

The platform clinical approach is based upon The Asheville Project, which is most independently researched and peer reviewed disease management in existence.

The Asheville Project

Clinical platform approach based upon the most independently researched and peer reviewed disease management in existence.

For the past 20 years The Asheville Project program of disease management has remained the gold standard. The program results remain the most studied, documented, published and peer reviewed program in the US.

The Population Health modules on our platform were built to accommodate this approach of identifying high risk members and providing care managers the metrics they need to do their work with members.

healthcare report showing renal dialysis cost containment

360 Degree Member View

Improve health outcomes by having all clinical data, claims and care gaps easily accessible while working with healthplan members.

Clinicians and nurses are provided with a complete view of employee health and easy access to all conditions, procedures, providers and prescription drugs of members. Preventive and chronic condition gaps in care are easily identified and can be manually overridden based upon your specific expertise with the members health.



Multiple dashboards and functionality to search large claimants or drugs on an individual client or block of business level.

When a member has a claim, there obviously is always a condition, procedure and provider attached to that claim.  For that intuitive reason, our search functionality always keeps these items linked when searching various items on the entire population.  By linking these our clients find that navigating their data becomes ore simple than ever. 

We also provide firm level dashboards to roll-up the results on your entire block of business.

claim services mobile app screen


Measure the effectiveness of your disease management programs with condition level risk scoring on a population or member level.

Claim analytics provides self-insured employers with the ability to easily unlock the claims data on their healthplan.  Our platform consolidates your medical, pharmacy, clinical, and biometric data from your TPA and PBM.  We then scrub, normalize, and quality check the data before loading it to your white-labeled portal.